Single-stage hydraulic hand pumps PH

Hydraulic hand pump

PH series single-stage pumps have a simple but functional design. Few moving parts and a built-in safety valve make PH pumps safe. The PH series are real workhorses that will last a long time. All pumps can be fitted with a pressure gauge so that the user can control and monitor the power generated by the pump with great accuracy.

Product description

PH series single-stage pumps have a simple but functional design. Few moving parts and a built-in safety valve make PH pumps safe. The PH series are real workhorses that will last a long time. All pumps can be fitted with a pressure gauge so that the user can control and monitor the power generated by the pump with great accuracy.

The hydraulic hand pumps in the series are available with 70 or 80 MPa working pressure and with the option of 600 or 1000 cm3 effective oil capacity. The pumps with 70 MPa working pressure can also be supplied with a pre-assembled 2 metre hydraulic hose (LS201ES), swivel coupling (ASE10) and quick coupling (AQI7). The designations for these are PH70A-600/LS201 and PH70A-1000/LS201 respectively.

  • High oil flow
  • Limited pumping power required
  • Aluminium oil tank
  • Cast iron pump house
  • Easy to use
  • Reliable and easy to service
  • Robust and reliable

Technical tips: För att garantera fullständig säkerhet för operatören rekommenderar vi montering av en manometer (AMT801) med manometeradapter (AVM204) till denna serie av hydrauliska handpumpar.

Notering: Hydraulanslutningen på alla PH-pumpar utgörs av en G1/4″ gängad anslutning.

Technical tips: När tillbehör väljs till ett hydrauliskt system ska tryckområdet för dessa vara lika med eller högre än pumpenhetens maximala arbetstryck. För slangar rekommenderar vi att dimensionera med 3-4 gångers säkerhetsmarginal mellan hydraulsystemets maximala arbetstryck och sprängtrycket för slangen. Det är också viktigt att säkerställa att pumpens effektiva oljevolym överstiger den totala oljevolymen i hydraulsystemet, gärna med en säkerhetsmarginal på cirka 20%.

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Product list

NameArt.nrWorking pressure MPaEff. oil volume cm³Cap. cm³/strokePumping power N
PH70A-600/LS20149108, Hose length = 2m706002.9450
PH70A-1000/LS20149109, Hose length = 2m7010002.9450
Name of the organisationItem codeWorking pressure. psiEff. oil vol. in³Cap. in³/strokePump force N
PH70A-600/LS20149108, Hose length = 78 in1000036.60.2450
PH70A-1000/LS20149109, Hose length = 78 in10000610.2450

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